About Hexameter.co
The Goal of the Site
Hexameter.co is a production of LatinTutorial, a site and YouTube channel designed to help Latin students all around the world learn and practice Classical Latin. Most of the videos produced by LatinTutorial involve Latin grammar, but learning Latin is more than just the language. Embedded in the study of Latin is all of ancient Roman and Greek culture. So when you visit LatinTutorial or watch videos on YouTube, you'll see a wide range of topics on the ancient world.
This site is designed to teach students and scholars of antiquity about scansion, the structures behind ancient poetry. But it's not enough to just teach how scansion works. You need practice, practice, and more practice. And that's what this site aims to do: give its users the ability to try line after line in order to spend the needed time required for attaining mastery at this skill.
But beyond that, this site offers adaptive lines that grow in difficulty as your skill grows, and instant feedback so you'll know whether you've made a mistake or not. There are also ample statistics, charts, badges, and many more features so you can track your progress and feel good about yourself along the way.
About Me
LatinTutorial and Hexameter.co are both creations of me, Ben Johnson. I am a Latin teacher in Maine with degrees in Latin and Classics from Cornell University and the University of Florida. I've made tons of tools for my own students and others that use my stuff, and that's great. Some say that Latin is a dying language, if not already dead, but I don't think so, and the more I can help others in studying it, the more vibrant our world will be. If you're a grammar/translate pro, or skilled at speaking Latin like an ancient Roman, I hope to be able to help you out as much as I can. On a personal level, I have a great family, and in my spare time I enjoy long walks in ancient ruins and gazing up at the heights of Mount Olympus.
Want to get in touch with me? Send me a note. Please be kind.
I use a bunch of tools to create the content on this site and others, and I'm often asked about them. Below are some of the biggest tools, in hopes that you won't have to ask me how I flow my work.